If you are interested in doing a Family Constellation, or in joining us as a representative please book for one of the next events. The dates you can find below. If no date suits you please contact Volkhard by e-mail or by phone to arrange a fitting date.
Private Constellations (without representatives) will be organised individually.
If you want to stay informed about the next Family Constellation events, please send Volkhard an e-mail and you will be added to the mailing list.
Constellations could be done in English, either in a group or privately.
Next Family Constellation Events in Berlin-Schöneberg:
• Friday, February 28, 7pm
• Friday, April 4, 7pm
• Sunday, May 11, 7pm
• Friday, June 13, 7pm
• Friday, July 18, 7pm
Location: Gefühlsschule Rubeau, Welserstraße 5-7 in 10777 Berlin-Schöneberg.
Please contact Volkhard if none of these dates is fitting for you.
Private Constellations in Berlin-Kreuzberg or via Internet
can be organised at any time, also short-termed.
Registration and further information:
Tel: +49 (0)30 - 69 04 25 12
• Family Constellation Events in Berlin
Gefühlsschule Rubeau, Welserstraße 5-7 in 10777 Berlin-Schöneberg.
• Private Constellation in Berlin
Volkhard's practice at Mittenwalder Straße 29 in 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg.
• The fee for a constellation in Berlin is 130,00 Euro (concession upon agreement).
• Representatives usually pay 20,00 Euros in Berlin events (concession 10,00 Euros).
• The fee for Private Constellations without representatives is 130,00 Euro.
• The fee for constellations in whole day events or weekend workshops as well as events outside Berlin will be announced individually.