On the following pages you will find links to webesites of inspirational people and websites of help:



John Frawley

John Frawley is a magnificent leader in the treasures of classical astrological inheritance. His books are brilliant, witty and controversial, as their author is. Find also his offers of webinars and a vast range of audio lectures on his website:

Deborah Houlding

Deborah Houlding's Website is a real treasure trove. Whoever is interested in Traditional Astrology should go there and have a look: 

Liz Greene

Liz Greene's books and seminars have had a great impact on Volkhard's early studies in Astrology. He owes her deep insights into human soul. Liz's webinars as well as videos and books can be found here: 

Felipe Oliveira

Felipe is an extrodinary astrologer and teacher in astrology. His special topics are mediacl astrology, horary astrology and traditional astrology. He offers webinars, courses as well as private consultations which are highly recommended.


Astro-Wiki is a free website founded by Alois Treindl, with a lot of useful data and information:


Astro-Databank provides some 60.000 birth data of famous and significant persons. Its basis are the reputable data files of Louis Rodden and the Taeger Archive:


Healing of Body and Soul:

Nicole Michels

Nicole is a non-medical practitioner in Berlin. By working with the healing method Bioenergetic Meditation she aims at the roots of disease very successfully – also in severe illness processes, as Volkhard has experienced himself. Her website (in German – Nicole speaks English fluently):

Bea Brehl 

Bea is a non-medical practitioner in Bremen/Germany. She offers tender, intuitive body healing work where she traces carefully the vibrations of body and soul. The sessions will be completed by a psychic reading. For people outside of Bremen Bea offers distant healings, too:

Doris Goetzmann

Doris is a non-medical practitioner in St. Leon-Rot near Heidelberg/Germany. Doris has a very special way of touching and offers balancing sessions in Rebalancing, Reflexology and Craniosacral therapy. Her website (in German):

Dr. med. Brigitte Krémer

offers support in pain treatment and with homoeopathy in her Berlin practice.


Further inspiring People:

Byron Katie

one of the wisest and most surprising women:

Eckhart Tolle

makes the Power of Now palpable:

Kira Kay 

shows in both work and teaching what treasure human intuition is for life:

Fatma Demir-Dahl

Living in Lucerne/Switzerland, Fatma offers inspiring intuition trainings as well as personal life readings (in English and German – via Skype as well as on the phone). Her website (in German – Fatma speaks English fluently):

Jana Pákozdi

Using her psychic abilities, Jana offers sensitive coaching and holistic counselling combined, if requested, cosmetc treatment. Her website (in German – Jana speaks English fluently):

Pierre Burri-Wittke

Pierre constructs your website with a great deal of technical know how and sensitivity. His website (in German – Pierre speaks English fluently):

Claudia Mia Biel

designs your website with female intuition and practical knowledge as your personal display window. Her website (in German – Claudia speaks English fluently):

Michael Buehler

a great artist in photography and a dear friend to Volkhard in Switzerland:

Sandra Jensen

If you aim to lift the quality of your writings on a new level, Sandra and her innovative Diving Deeper Workshops may be of great support and inspiration for you: