The germ cell of our life is the family. Everyone has a father and a mother, everyone is member of a large family system which goes back many generations. This primal ground of existence is the source of our power for living. Sometimes the flow of energy is obstructed or interrupted by entanglements, often even without our knowing. The cause is usually the fact that a family member from the past had been disallowed in taking their place in the family. He or she had been despised, denied or cast out.
Seen from the perspective of the family soul everyone belongs, everybody has their own place. If the person is not allowed to live in this place, illnesses, disorders and abnormalities will be consequential in following generations. As if we should be reminded of the casted out ancestors to heal their destiny. By doing a Family Constellation we reconstruct the system, giving everybody his or her place. Everyone is respected and acknowledged, reconciliation can start to grow.
Family Constellation works beyond moral. It takes life as it is, leaving us free for an independent and self-determined life.